
Archivio mensile:Maggio 2014


I took these pictures about two months ago. It was a warm winter day, similar to a real end of season. Vetan was shining! We decide to had this “just for fun” session; some beers, a home made bbq, sausages and… shrimps! This is how we did it, our personal goodbye to the winter season, a simple celebration of what we LOVE so deeply. Thank you Mother Nature, see you soon!


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001366050016Puntata succosa pubblicata alle 01.19 di un anonimo giovedì di maggio con i Pearl Jam in sottofondo, il bicchiere vuoto e un materasso pronto ad accogliermi. Fotografie dei FASK in concerto a Torino, montagne valdostane, Berlino, la neve ad aprile, prove, mostre, arrivi, partenze e serate tipiche. Facci caso.

Konica Hexar + Olympus mju + usa e getta + Kodak Trix 400 + b/w 250 + Agfa Vista 200 + Kodak Ektar 100

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